Our Sister Camp

Every summer, we plan an exciting co-ed program with our sister camp, Camp Wayne for Girls.

A short walk along the Indian Trail, Camp Wayne for Girls plays host to a variety of social events. The Camp Wayne Playhouse is located at the girls’ camp, where our budding actors and actresses practice and perform for the entire camp. All of our campers have an opportunity to participate in one of three co-ed shows each summer.

In addition to our Drama Program, campers participate in a number of co-ed special events and evening activities throughout the summer like Carnival Day, discos, Fourth of July celebration, pool parties, movies and campfires. Many of our trips for our older campers include the girls’ camp.

Boys who have a sister and/or cousin at Camp Wayne for Girls get together at least once a week, before all-camp social activities. In addition we plan several special sibling and cousin events throughout the summer.

Brothers and sisters celebrate birthdays together and can arrange for special visits upon request. On Parent Visiting Day, we provide transportation between the two camps throughout the day.

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